Thursday, 19 September 2013

Ignoring the Trout?

That's what your faithful blogger will be doing until next April.  At least as far as trying to catch them that is.  Grayling in Autumn are the main quarry for a traditionalist like yours truly.  The hen brown trout are nearly all mottled now, a sure sign they are getting into spawning condition for the few weeks around Christmas Day.  The rainbows are in their usual great condition, but... the grayling are in such fine fettle and this IS the nicest time of the year to fish for them.  So... 

A quick check of the fly box and whoa there! The Sturdy's Fancies were in short supply.  There were more in the hat band than in the box!  Ten minutes work and a trio of reinforcements were in readiness.  Here they are...

Matching the hatch is always best but this fly matches so many little midges, smuts, aphids and other micro-species that it sometimes stays on the tippet all day long with no fall-off of Sport.  It is highly commended to all you Autumn Grayling fans.

Regular Rod


  1. Hi Rod. I would love to do some fishing for Grayling. We have them here, but I wouldn't even know where to begin looking. Luckily trout fishing is open year around here.

  2. I checked out Sturdy's Fancies. A simple pattern, but interesting.
    May have to tie a few and give them a try.


  3. Lovely tyings RR!

    Matthew Eastham on 20/09/13
