Sunday, 2 September 2012


The Chatsworth Country Fair has devised a way to keep the Riff Raff out.  They put the price beyond the reach of ordinary folk.  Imagine paying £20 to be allowed to go shopping!

The big attraction is to see the RAF's Red Arrows (still only 7 of them since the sad accident last year) doing their magnificent display of precision and skill.  So your faithful blogger, definitely part of the Riff Raff who thinks £20 is far, far too much for entry, decided to fish yesterday in the next valley, instead of visiting the show, and so enjoyed the top of the bill attraction for free from the banks of the Derbyshire Wye!!!

There was only one hurried snap in the dusk of a splendid female grayling that fought like a trout before she was netted and released. 


The rest of the pictures were of the marvellous Red Arrows that, hopefully, you may enjoy...

Regular Rod


  1. Just had our local airshow last weekend. When you live 2 miles from the airport, it's hard to justify the price of admission. Great pics!

  2. I'd think the combination of the air show and a nice fish would have made for a great day! The photos are top notch!

  3. Always impressive, those planes. I remember going to a few air shows when I was younger, and just plugging my ears! And that is a beauty of a grayling...well done.

  4. A really beautiful grayling! I would have taken the same decision and gone fishing.

  5. Typical of RR to match the Red Arrows with a grayling's gills!! Ever the artist!! Great photos!

  6. Who do you know the fish is female please?

    1. Unfortunately the photograph doesn't illustrate this very well. The easiest way to tell is by the dorsal fin. In the male the dorsal fin is longer, trailing back quite a long way and the last half dozen or so rays have indentations that look a bit like the dorsal fin of a perch, but the grayling fin is not spiky like a perch. The female dorsal fin is not as long as the male and it rarely has the indentations to the last few rays of the fin.
