Sunday, 10 June 2012

The next valley...

... is certainly browned off too.

You would not want to fall in just here just now!

Regular Rod


  1. hoping the water clears's no fun watching that chocolate milk.

    1. It gives us time to do the stuff we neglect to do because we've gone fishin'...

      Regular Rod

  2. You guys have been getting your share of rain.
    I hope it settles down soon.

    1. Well it's a welcome end to a two year drought and it will be fine in a few days. It's very impressive what a body of high water can do in a river channel!

      Regular Rod

  3. Did I just spot a rise on the far bank?

    1. Can you manage the drag? Yes? Have a cast then!!!
      Regular Rod

  4. Had a cast over the chocolate today at likely spots, I could see about six inches deep. I didn't expect much and wasn't disappointed, As a novice I thought I better check though. Fly looked nice mind: none of those nasty reflections musing it up.


    1. If you are determined to fish when the river is coloured (and why not indeed) then the best policy is to look for those spots where the fish can get some shelter from the main push. The creases next to eddies, shallower water that in high water levels might mean fishing in runs through reeds or even bushes. Stuff like that acts as a giant tea strainer and makes the water on the down current side of such things a little slower and a little less full of debris. Sometimes heading a few miles upriver is worthwhile as the river clears up from the headwaters down so you get to water that will be fishable earlier than the downriver areas.

      On other occasions it may be best to wait a day or more for the river to get into better condition. Fly activity will be the precursor to the Sport picking up.

      Regular Rod
