Sunday, 15 May 2011

Rises to spinners...

You may recall last year, when this blog started, we discussed how to spot the rise forms of fish potentially feeding on spinners. 

Click and click again on the image for a closer look
Last night, as it started to go dark, I came upon a trout rising to spinners very assiduously and under a high bank near enough to attempt a photograph.  The image is noisy owing to the low light levels, but hopefully you can see the start of the elongated ring of the rise form, just made by the head and dorsal fin and shortly to be augmented by the mark made by the tail, that dark triangle just behind the rise form, breaking the surface as the trout levels itself a few inches down, in readiness for the next fly on the conveyor belt.

No I didn’t catch it.  I didn’t even fish for it.  Sometimes it seems wrong to intrude on such a much deserved meal.

Regular Rod


  1. I walked right past about 50 of those pictures the other day because of time issues. Sometimes when I see them I use them as a Bullseye Mark hoping to land my fly directly in the middle. Sometimes I just watch.

  2. Hi there Trout Magee, with you all the way...

    Watching such wonderful sights is good for the inner being.

    No wonder Izaak Walton called Angling the "Contemplative Man's Recreation"!

    Regular Rod
