At one point I had a fish rise to one of the knots in my leader! Whatever the real thing was it was small, not too small though as the rise was to the first knot that joins the 0.4mm diameter monofilament to the first part of the mid-section that I make out of 0.3mm diameter monofilament!!! Maybe we worry to much about whether fish are put off by strong tippets? I put on my favourite small fly for fish eating smuts or aphids. Sturdy's Fancy on a size 20 hook. Nothing took it but the rises were still being enthusiastically made. Henry was getting impatient for some excitement.

Concentrate! Ah yes, I bet some of these little flies are Iron Blue Duns and I bet the fish are eating those and eschewing all others. On with the fake. Cast again. Slurp! Aha, the rod is heaved over, Henry is up on his toes and wagging his tail, all is well with the world and God is in his Heaven!

Strolling back up river towards home we managed to catch one more grayling and then my reel, which I had been struggling with for the last three hours, fell apart, signalling time to go in for supper...
Regular Rod